
rust belt造句

"rust belt"是什么意思   


  1. Today , dongbei is a rust belt , its once muscular industries falling victim to poor state planning and inefficient operations
    如今,东北则是“铁锈地带” ,曾经强有力的国企都成了计划经济和低效运作的牺牲品。
  2. But 40 percent of the population in the once - wealthy nation still lives below the poverty line , many of them in the crime - ridden industrial rust belt around buenos aires
    但是这个曾经富裕的国家仍然有40 %的人口生存在贫困线之下。他们中很多人聚居在布宜诺斯艾利斯外围废弃的工业地带,那里犯罪频发,百业凋敝。
  3. But 40 percent of the population in the once - wealthy nation still lives below the poverty line , many of them in the crime - ridden industrial rust belt around buenos aires
    但是这个曾经富裕的国家仍然有40 %的人口生存在贫困线之下。他们中很多人聚居在布宜诺斯艾利斯外围废弃的工业地带,那里犯罪频发,百业凋敝。
  4. It's difficult to find rust belt in a sentence. 用rust belt造句挺难的


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